Funny Breaking news
* FBI has handed over the investigations to Pakistani Police who have reported to arrest a suspect who claims that he wanted to have coffee on the 65th floor but their planes didn't land properly.
* First lady is pregnant and FBI claims that Osama is directly or indirectly involved in it.
* BBC reports that Gen. Musharraf has requested Nawaz Sharif to come back and take over. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.....
* While giving an exclusive interview to CNN Film star REEMA has offered that if " Bush - Afghan problem can be solved on " Kuch lo Kuch Do" basis, then she has offered herself.
* Americans have offered Talibans to handover Osama in exchange of Herion of Titanic. But Taliban say that we already have Heroin and please give the Hero of Titanic.
* Latest marketing strategy of United Airline " Fly with us and we will take you straight to your office"
* CNN Report: US Army troops arrived in Khi, will attact Afghanistan after having Tea at Bakda Hotel in Kharadar. They say that if WTC would have been in Pakistan there would have been no casualties because nobody comes before 11.
* American mothers now saying to their children " So jao warna Osama aa jaye ga"
Thats all from the news room, stay tuned..............for more inside reports......... (;)
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